Wednesday, August 15, 2007

5 treatments down - YEAH!!!! Only 1 more big one left!!! Mon. was another long day at chemo. My father wanted to go with me but I don't think he realized how boring it was going to be. My appt. was at 11:15 am and we didn't get home until a little after 5pm. Everything went well just very slow. Tues. I felt good and managed to get a few errands done and spent time with my sister-in-law and friends in the evening. I may have overdone it a little because today (Wed.) I am wiped out. It's 1pm and I've already had a nap for the day. Pathetic!!!! I'm just lucky because Ron and the girls are up north at a cottage that we rented to celebrate Ron's parents anniversary and they don't have to see my so lazy! Thanks again for everything and keep praying!! Love, Julie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,
Thanks for the update. You keep on fighting and we will keep on praying. I am glad to hear that another round is done.
