Thursday, September 06, 2007

I owe everyone an apology because I haven't written to tell you what happened last chemo treatment. SORRY!!! It was actually really good news, Dr. Campbell couldn't feel any of the tumors which means they have shrunk a lot!!!!! YEAH - Prayer works!!! I am going to start with a different chemo drug Sept. 10 and then I will have treatments every 3 weeks apart. I'm hoping this means that I will get 2 good weeks. I am under the impression that this drug will be gentler on my body than the other one. The side effects for this one are more fingernail and toenail brittleness and more mouth sores. The best news is that I probably won't have to have the shot on Tuesday that makes me so miserable. Good news!! The only thing of concern is that I got my blood tested yesterday and they called me yesterday to tell me that my white blood cells were really low so I needed to be very careful and watch out for infection. I don't think that I will go to Celebration on the Grand anymore. Poor Ron - he was really looking forward to it but I'm to chicken around all the people. Well keep praying and I will try to write soon. Love, Julie

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